May 12, 2020
Learn about what the past decade can teach us about the next decade, how a bespoke publisher creates raving fans, and how the future of personal information is going to get even more messy.
Bite-Sized Delight From the Episode:
• Pay Attention to Customer Trends - By considering
global expectation shifts like the ones presented in Rohit
Bhargava’s fantastic book Non Obvious Megatrends, the
business of today is ready for the customer of tomorrow.
• Making Things Beautiful Rockets Your Business
Forward - Incorporating aesthetic, design, and
hyper-personalization allows you to stand out in the crowd and
build a legion of raving fans like Juniper Books.
• Allow for Convenience, But Protect Privacy - Walking the
fine line of making it easier to do business with you, while
protecting your customers’ personal data, is a tightrope that every
business needs to walk in 2020 and beyond.
Are You Looking for Things We Referenced?
Non Obvious Megatrends - by
Rohit Bhargava
Juniper Books
For the Love of Books - Thatcher
Convenience Revolution – by Shep Hyken
Get more resources and the full show notes at See you next week!