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Experience This!

Oct 13, 2020

Learn about the frustrating process of trying to pay your health insurance premiums, the boundaryless world of augmented reality, and planning your day without using electronics.

Bite-Sized Delight From the Episode:
Can I Please Just Give You My Money?! - If a brand makes the experience of trying to pay your bill a challenge, what other terrible experiences can you expect in the future?!
Pokemon Invasion at the Magic Kingdom - an Augmented Reality Experience at Walt Disney World Resort - With augmented reality knowing no borders, it’s just a matter of time before every brand can create experiences within your brand spaces.
Analog Planning Solutions Thriving in a Digital World - Ugmonk’s newest product (Analog) builds raving fans before they even experience the product.

Are You Looking for Things We Referenced?
The AR that Ate Disney World - by Josh Goldblum
Experience Points
Analog -  non-digital productivity system by Ugmonk

Find more links and a full transcript of the show at: See you next week!